Eucalyptus PURE Essential Oil 10ml - Renu Aromatherapy
Product Description
eucalyptus globullus (eucalyptus) oil
With a fresh, woody, sweet scent, the ECO. Aroma Eucalyptus Essential Oil is pure and has many benefits for the whole household.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil benefits:
Skin & Hair: Deep cleansing, reduces redness and irritation. Aids in wound healing and antiseptic.
Body: Treats colds and flu. Relaxes nervous system. Reduces pain associated with rheumatism and gout.
Blends well with: basil, cedarwood, cirtonella, frankincense, ginger, pine, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint, tea tree
How to use your essential oil:
Burner: add a few drops to your electric or tea light candle vaporiser
Massage or body oil: add a few drops to a carrier oil to use for massage, a customized body oil, or to treat ailments
Bath: add 3-5 drops to a full bath before immersing yourself in the warm water
Shower: sprinkle 1-2 drops on your shower floor and let the scent wash over you
Skin: essential oils can be applied directly to skin but please do a patch test as a precaution (a drop applied on the inner elbow just below the crease, or behind the ear) and look for any adverse respond before applying directly to the face or body
Never apply essential oil on broken, raw or sensitive skin, and do not apply directly on skin during pregnancy.