Ladies Crystal and Gemstone Lava Bracelets
Healing Crystals and Gemstones have been used for centuries to elaviate ailments and to bring harmony, balance and prosperity. In Healing Gemstones, life energy is persistently drawn into the center. As it approaches toward the center, the life force becomes determined.
This attentiveness fuels the revolution of life force into gemstone power and makes the gem’s power to be set free with probable healing powers to encourage and restore the health and well-being of the whole person.
Throughout history, the curing properties of healing gemstones, their exquisiteness and enchantment have been recognised and harnessed by many natural health practitoners.
Primitive Stone Age women and men used to wear crystal jewelry. These stones have a defensive, as well as an enhancing function, defending their users against harm. The ancients used these stones for fortification, beautification, and curative and for viewing into the future.
Gemstones were regularly worn and accepted by the earliest Egyptians as talisman and charisma. Greek mythology refers to these stones as objects of great power.
Additionally, these stones were used widely in rituals and launches by the Aztecs, Americans and Mayans. The body armour of the Jewish High Priest was placed with expensive stones thus; it carried power to the user.
These stones can make better your energy, sanitise your space, magnetise wealth, improve your intuition, boost mental abilities and self-confidence, bring profusion, or even magnetise love.
Gemstones today bring the same force and jewellery can be chosen, not just only due to the stone’s beauty but also the stone’s attractiveness.
Our Gemstone Jewellery listed below is our most popular, when creating each piece each gemstone is specifically chosen for their unique healing properties. Amethyst - Spirituality, transformation, protection, cleansing, promotes happiness and spiritual awareness, excellent for meditation, helps with sleep and absorbs negativity. In old times the Greek believed this stone helped against drinking and toxins. 6th and 7th chakras
Aventurine - Luck with money matters. Increases creativity and originality. Helps against stress and bring a feeling of well being. Energy stimulates muscle tissue and blood. Chakra: 4th
Botswana Agate- opaque grayish pink with whitish circles, ovals. Stimulates attention, alert, detail observation. Helps against toxins.
Chrysoprase- Self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Transformation of the negative ego, reducing superiority or inferiority complexes. Stimulates sexuality and procreation. Chakra: 4th
Hematite - Brings self-confidence and promotes total anchoring of energies on Earth, eliminating mind limitations. Helps dissolve negativity. Its energy is said to reinvigorate the blood. Chakra: 1st and 8th
Jaspers - Green : Intuition, calm, sensitivity, Promotes understanding. Good for disturbed homes. Chakra: 4th
Red : Vitality, sexual power, protection. Chakra: 1st
Brown : Earth energy, stability, balance, its said to work against toxins . Chakra : 1st Lapis Lazuli - Calms the mind, developing intuition, meditation and wisdom. Help increase mental ability, concentration, memory and sight. Attracts the mind for the inner self to search for your own source of power. It’s the stone of contemplation and meditation. In the old Egypt it was ground and put in the eyes of pharaohs after death so that they could see the doors of entrance for the next life. Chakras: 5th, 6th
Onyx - Control over emotions and passions. Protection. Stimulates decision making. Aids psychic contact with those who have died and aids past-life and between-lives regression work.Chakra: 1st
Rose Quartz - The stone of unconditional love. Represents the capacity of giving and receiving love. Irradiates energy that substitutes sorrow, fears and resentment. Increases self-esteem and is recommended to attract love. It’s a good stone for children. Chakra: 4th
Tigers Eye- Help people become more practical. Bring optimism that conducts to success. Balances energy yin and yang. Protects against negativity, reflecting it back to origin.Aids in the ability to discern evil. Chakra: 1st and 3rd