Blessed Herbal Oils

Blessed Herbal Oils, the Original Blessed Herbal Candle Recipes now available in an Oil.
The cornerstone of Coventry Creations, the Blessed Herbal Candle recipes are now also available as oil.
The Blessed Herbal Oils work through your intent as it is combined with the vibration created by the oils and blessing.
When you set your intent and vision for your life, the oil holds that wish while you work through and clear the things that were holding you back from the ideal you seek.
With our Aromatherapy Lockets just add a couple of drops of the Blessed Herbal Oil of your choice onto the Bamboo/Hemp Aroma Pads, insert the pad into your Locket to hold your wish, vision or intention with you all day wherever you go...
Really the sky is the limit in ways to use the magic of blessed herbal oils!
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